Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Sermons Update

I am posting a three part sermon series from the beginning of our sermon series on ACTS. This is on the community passage in Acts 2:42ff.

The theme of these sermons is that the book of Acts describes for us the prototype of the church. The first century church is the first iteration of the New Covenant specification. God, from eternity, has had a plan to display His glory through the church (Eph 3:10) and the first century church is the first iteration of this standard which flows from the mind of God. The purpsoe of these sermons is to help us understand the ckey haracteristics of the Morally Beuatiful Community that we are looking to manifest on earth, (i.e. the Kingdom of God).

Decoding the DNA of the Church - Part 1 - Fellowship

Decoding the DNA of the Chuch - Part 2 - Opening up our Homes

Decoding the DNA of the Church - Part 3 - Joyful Community


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