Sunday, July 01, 2007

The Teachings of Jesus and the Nations First Hospital

Pennsylvania Hospital History: Stories - Nation's First Hospital

Christopher Hitchens has written a book with the sub title "How Religion Poisens Everything". This I think is the most ignorant thing I have ever heard.

The above story tells how a quaker named Dr. Thomas Bond came to Benjamin Franklin to start a the first hospital. The hospital was then given the theme from Luke 10, "Take care of hi and I will repay you". This quote is from the story of the good Samritan, a story where Jesus teaches that true goodness of character is not founded in our heritage but in whether or not we care for the physical needs of others.

The power of Jesus' teachings especially the story of the Good Samitan to inspire care for the poor cannot be underestimated. For exaple, there is the teaching in Matt. 25 that to the extent that we care for the poor to this extent we are caring for Jesus Himself.

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