Friday, October 01, 2004

Improvements Coming Next Week to 21st Century Reformation

Improvements for next week
If all goes well, we plan on upgrading our website for the church (Trinity CRC Artesia, CA) next week. If this goes as planned, I will begin posting sermon transcripts and MP3 audio next week. As most of my blogging is sermon prep related, these improvements will really help to close the loop on the study and preaching process.

Other Long Term Goals
Other Long term goals for this site include:
1. Posting sermons and audio for other Southern California CRC pastors.
2. Getting some of the other CRC pastors to begin blogging at least a little.

So if all this goes well expect a few new links to help support your devotional and spiritual life through the internet. Also, there are some great CRC churches in the So Cal area, and I would love to help publish what the Lord is doing through these churches.

I am on vacation this weekend so light blogging until Sunday PM. I am going to read Guder’s book on the Missional Church if Amazon delivers the book to my house today. If so, expect some emergent church related blogging next week.

God Bless,


brad said...

Are you saying something about preaching... Or something about Blogging? I think I agree with you but I am not sure. I would like to say a bit though about Modernism.
I agree modernism is falling by the emergent church's definitions. The pure rationalism, which is actually scholasticism, is what no longer cuts it. Now, it is about the aesthetic of our lives. As Christians, we must show that we are authenticly living the Christian story. BUT that does not mean that codifying our true understanding through preaching is somehow less effective. Our human make up (theologically called anthrolopogy) is still such that we are motivated and inspired through the clear proclamation of truth. The Holy Spirit still communicates through language to codify and standardize what He is saying to the church.
God Bless,

brad said...

Great comment David
A deeper philosophical answer to his question and he is write is in the archives of August under
How Jesus did Discipleship? Go to the Gemba


The Journey - The Soul to Earth or the Earth to the Kingdom

Go here:

This is an epistomolgy issue which is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT.